Christian Wulff

Christian Wulff


Former President of the Federal Republic of Germany

Christian Wulff, born on June 19, 1959, in Osnabrück, is a German politician and former President of the Federal Republic of Germany. After studying law at the University of Osnabrück and passing his second state law examination in 1987, he began his political career. He joined the CDU in 1984.

From 1994 to 2001, Wulff led the CDU parliamentary group in the Lower Saxony state parliament. In 2003, he became the Minister-President of Lower Saxony, a position he held until 2010. During this time, he was a strong advocate for economic reforms and the modernization of the education system.

On June 30, 2010, Christian Wulff was elected President of the Federal Republic of Germany. His tenure was marked by his commitment to social justice and the promotion of intercultural dialogue.

After his political career, Wulff became involved in international organizations and foundations and works as a consultant. He is a sought-after speaker on topics such as democracy, the rule of law, and European integration.