Claudia Oeking


Claudia Oeking is a trained radio journalist, studied business administration in Ravensburg and graduated with an MBA in Gießen. She began her career in 2001 as a trainee at HIT-RADIO ANTENNE 1 before moving to the press office of the state government in the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry.

From 2007, she worked in the communications department of the nuclear power division of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, which she later took over as head. She has been with Philip Morris since 2013 and has held various management positions in communications in Germany and Austria during this time. Most recently, she was responsible for international policy and communication projects as Director External Affairs Innovation at the headquarters of Philip Morris International in Lausanne, Switzerland.

As Director External Affairs, Claudia Oeking has been responsible for the functions responsible for dialog with the public and the company’s entire external image in Germany since August 2019. This includes Corporate Communications, the Representative Office in Berlin and Lobbying in Brussels, Science Communication as well as Public Relations and Corporate Responsibility. The division also includes the specialist areas for the regulation and taxation of tobacco products and related products and for combating smuggling. Claudia Oeking is also responsible for sustainability.