Dr. Saskia Juretzek has been dealing with corporate responsibility for more than 13 years. As Head of Sustainability at the Tengelmann Group since 2022, she is responsible for the strategic direction of the Group, which includes Obi and KiK. From 2015 to 2022, she worked as Senior Manager Sustainability at Allianz, including as an expert for sustainability strategy, governance structures, Group-wide sustainability reporting and auditing. Previously, she was responsible for strategic sustainability issues and reporting at Telefónica Deutschland.
In her doctorate, she investigated what skills are needed to successfully implement sustainability in a company. She is a member of the advisory board of the MBA Trend and Sustainability Management at Nürtingen Geislingen University, co-founder of Futurewoman and co-author of the book “Nachhaltige Karriere – mit dem richtigen Job die Welt verändern”.