Sawsan Chebli


Politician & Author

Sawsan Cheblikam was born in 1978 in Berlin as the twelfth child of a refugee Palestinian family. She lived stateless with her family in the capital for 15 years before they obtained German citizenship. Chebli studied political science and joined the SPD in 2001.

After various positions in the offices of Bundestag members, in 2010 she became a policy advisor for intercultural affairs in the Berlin Senate Department for the Interior and Sport.

In January 2014, she transitioned to the role of deputy spokesperson for then Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the Federal Foreign Office. From 2016 to 2021, she served as the Plenipotentiary of the State of Berlin to the Federal Government and State Secretary for Civil Engagement and International Affairs.

On Twitter, she has over 120,000 followers and significantly influences the political debate with her tweets. Sawsan Chebli lives in Berlin, is married, and is a mother to a son.