Tobias Jung


“I’ve spent half my life in the creative industry bringing together different perspectives on a task and developing solutions that are both unexpected and successful. I realized that this is where the big leverage lies in my eyes, 1. the right people in 2. to bring the decisive positions and 3. get them to work together in the right way. I want to spend the second half of my professional life helping companies and entrepreneurs realize their full potential in each of these three areas and teaching my children a (business) world that we don’t have to justify.”

After his school days in a nationwide pilot class in which children with and without disabilities learn together, a brief law degree and a classic commercial apprenticeship in the real estate industry, the former national rowing team athlete and multiple medal winner in various national and international competitions was drawn to the creative industry. After holding positions and partnerships in various top agencies, he was part of the management team that sold the agency HEIMAT to the international agency group TBWA Worldwide in 2014, whose German business with 700 employees he took over shortly afterwards as CEO TBWA Group Germany, before being brought to the headhunting boutique Dwight Cribb as part of the management team in 2021, where he is driving the company’s further development into a talent consulting boutique. Tobias Jung was born in Marburg and lives in Hamburg with his wife, two children, a dog, lots of bicycles and the hope that HSV will return to the 1st Bundesliga in the near future.